Marketing Advisory

Your market is not aware of your product/service? Your product/service has a poor rating in terms of popularity and reach?

SD Consult marketing advisory is mainly directed to your brand positioning, market segmentation and targeting strategy to reach your audience.

Our aim is to develop effective marketing and branding strategies that will help your business deliver a clear and creative message to its targeted segment, boost audience engagement, and well position the brand within their minds.

SD Consult’s task shall revolve around developing a deep understanding of the market to help our clients understand how to effectively serve their targeted segment, offer value proposition to services and products, and deliver a sustainable competitive advantage.

  • Analyze organization’s current Marketing Strategy & Marketing Mix
  • Analyze sector’s competition and market growth opportunities
  • Survey currently used marketing tools and analyze their efficiency
  • Suggest adequate marketing strategy to enhance products/services proposition & positioning
  • Manage marketing personnel/responsible and steer their efforts
  • Monitor marketing key performance indicators and suggest changes as necessary

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